With mechanical Revolution everywhere throughout the World, the floor development has been one of the genuine Concerns of Architect, Engineers and clients. A great solid floor require not just be leveled it ought to likewise have a high compressive quality least water porousness and ought to minimized cleaning at absolute minimum cost. The Switech vacuum dewatering framework is intended to take out the evil impacts of additional water nearness inside the solid through vacuum dewatering treatment. The overflow water is expelled from the solid, which implies that the proportion of water in bond is definitely lessened in the wake of applying vacuum dewatering framework. A brought down water/bond proportion naturally prompts to detectable change in each of cement properties.Benefits of Switech vacuum dewatering framework are: feline arrow Maximizes the compressive quality of cement by 40 - 70% (higher increment at the top surface) feline arrow Increase in Wear Resistance by 100 - 150%. feline arrow Reduced shrinkage of solid floor around 150%. feline arrow The solid floor increases prior quality in the wake of applying vacuum treatment than ordinary way in this manner prior use is conceivable.